Monday, February 13, 2012

St Valentine's Day

Tomorrow is the great celebration of Valentine’s Day, often attributed to an early church saint who was said to have been sent to prison for either marrying young men and women secretly during the reign of the Roman Emperor Claudius II , or for refusing to disavow his Christian faith and follow the Roman “gods”.  While in prison he was said to have sent one last “letter” to the blind daughter of the jailer signed, “from your Valentine.” Even though there is no evidence to link a Saint Valentine to these romantic notions, the day has become either a great celebration or a day of disappointment based on these myths.

As a Trophy Husband, I must first state that my lovely wife has planned and delivered several excellent Valentine’s Day events, however, it seems that festivities for the day have mostly landed on the males of our society to provide a “memorable celebration” for our wives, girlfriends, etc. For the modern man, and may I say Trophy “Man”, each day finds us planning special “dates” (a special spa day for the two of you), creating exciting dining experiments (a pan seared roast with garlic mash potatoes, garden salad, and an excellent wine), or giving a well thought out gift for the love of our lives (maybe seasonal flowers to let them know that the beauty of the flowers does not even compete with their beauty).

Then Valentine’s Day comes around and society believes that the male needs to go out and get flowers, jewelry, and make reservations at a “special” (meaning expensive) restaurant for the day to be memorable. I would like to know, why can’t it be the place of the “Modern Woman” to do the same
thing for their special partners? It seems that as males we are asked to give up most of manhood to be “equal” with women, but when it comes to “romance” or “special days” it is the RESPONSIBILITY of the man to do it all. If you are one of the many men who only use Valentine’s Day to plan, buy or be less selfish to your partner, then you need to re-evaluate the rest of the year and what you do normally.

I have to admit, my incredible wife already operates in the manner of taking up the planning of “special days” and it has been marvelous, sometimes better than my ideas. But for most men (Trophy Men), they don’t have the same opportunity. My question is why?

I call out to the Trophy Men of the world to take a stand to be treated special on Valentine’s Day. Suggest to your partner that they could plan the day. Maybe it is your day to sit back for your mani/pedi, your chocolate bon bon and champagne and relax.

Or, do what is chivalrous and plan a day, like any other day to let your girlfriend/wife know that they are your true love and remind them why you are their Trophy Husband!

Here’s to you St Valentine.