Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Beauty is Everywhere, Even for a Heterosexual Male

It is incredible to think of the many things in life that give us pleasure. It can be the beauty of nature as we walk along a trail, the smell of fresh cut grass or steaks on a grill in the summer or the laughter of children playing.

Among things that are not allowed to bring pleasure to heterosexual men is the beauty of other men. It is looked down on or the man is characterized as "metro-sexual", if not homosexual. The "man's man" men and society seem to think that the honesty to say that another man is good looking or attractive takes away from our masculinity. This Trophy Husband could not disagree more.

I recently watched the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love and found it to be more enjoyable than I realized. I knew with Steve Carell staring in it, there would be a few good laughs in it and a somewhat decent story. However, I found myself enjoying it more as the movie provided real emotions and actions of people hurt in a relationship while not be overly "emotional". It also features a very good looking and sexy man, most of you women know who I am speaking of .... Ryan Gosling. The movie provided not only good entertainment and a realistic look at relationships, but the opportunity to watch Mr. Gosling in all of his splendor. I am not only talking about his scene stealing moment when he takes his shirt off, but his stylish appearance in the rest of the movie.

Some would call it a "man crush", but I think it is just my enjoyment of beauty. This should not be something that we should fault another man, but view it as one human being enjoying the creation of another human being. It seems that any time a man ventures into the realm of the "feminine" arenas, fashion, style, party hosting, decorating, etc, we seem to want to take away the masculinity of the man who fines enjoyment in these arenas. 

I recently read an article in the NY Times, Straight Talk - A New Breed of Fashion Bloggers, about "manly men" who are bloggers about fashion. What made the article so interesting, was not that these bloggers had great eyes for fashion or that they are impacting fashion companies, which they are, but the article made a big deal out of these men being heterosexual and enjoying the industry that they blog about daily. This does not seem fair for those Trophy Husbands and Metro-sexual Men that enjoy these topics but want to be known just as regular men and not categorized for what we enjoy.

The beauty of the relationship with my wife as a Trophy Husband is that she enjoys that I find beauty, interest and ideas from many different arenas. They could be art and fashion or sports and politics, but they are all open for my enjoyment.

So I make a call to all men out there; Trophy Husbands, Metro-Sexual brothers, Manly Men, break out from the bondage of our chains of what society considers "manly" and begin to enjoy all that is around you. I can promise I will speak more about my enjoyment so come along and enjoy it with me.


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