Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cute Baby Lambs or Dinner?

Tonight was a typical night for the Trophy Husband and his family. After a great day at work, I am sorry world but unfortunately I do have to work for the family, I came home to get ready for the nightly ritual of going for a walk and deciding what to have for dinner. Luckily, there is a local grocer on our route that allows us to pick items up for dinner. It is very European and provides opportunities for us to decide what to eat that night.

Tonight, the decision came for sushi, which was presented by neither myself nor my wife, but from our daughter (I must insert that I have a son and daughter). This made me start to think about the way that we have gone about raising our children and the way we eat. At an early age, we decided to introduce our entire family, that meant children and parents, to various culinary delights. This began with the basics of shrimp, salmon and lobster, but then started filtering into lamb, veal and sometime boar. They both grew up with the opportunity to experience many different foods and they thought it was normal, that every family operated in this fashion.

For The Princess, she discovered this wasn't so when she was with her best friend and her mom driving to their house for a play date. On the way to the house, the mom told the girls that she saw lambs in the field next to the road. My daughter's friend mentioned how cute they were while my daughter said, "Mmmmm, dinner!" The Princess realized that her friend's family didn't partake in the same culinary delights as we did as a family.

While this might seem like a  great idea when the children are younger, they don't stay that way. They begin to grow up, but still enjoy the same foods while discovering new delights, like manchego cheese and fig jam, and your food bills begin to climb. Their desire to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables along with quality food can be stunted by our ability to afford the items on a limited budgets. But that shouldn't be the norm. 

I am going to take the next few days to talk about eating and the debate on weight, eating right and living a healthy lifestyle. It might come as a shock to some of you but to others it might be the fire that lights a path you have been desiring to be on for you and your family.

So come along with me, raise your grocery sacks and forks and join me as we look at this issue of eating right and enjoying life.

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