Monday, January 16, 2012

The End of Excuses

It is interesting how life treats us all. We walk around our entire lives hoping, wishing and wanting a better life. We "dream" of what we want to do and then never get around to doing it because of the many excuses that we create. 

  • I don't have the time
  • What happens if I fail?
  • I have a family to take care of now
  • Other people have all the luck
  • If only ...
And we end up looking back at our lives wondering, what we could have done, or become, instead of enjoying the success. 

That has been the life of this Trophy Husband for too long. My wife has always pushed me to follow my dreams, to jump off of the ledge and see what happens. Unfortunately, I have always used the same excuses. However, I have decided to make a change and no longer only talk and dream but do it. The motto for 2012 is "Stop Talking and Start Doing". Thus, the first step, this blog.

This Trophy Husband, along with other members, will be talking, discussing and possibly arguing about anything and everything that is a part of our lives and what we encounter daily. Topics could range from sports and politics, to fashion, food and wine. There might be a series of topics related to theology in our lives and move into the silly trends of our society. You never know, but it will be different.

This blog is the first baby step for the Trophy Husband but I look to provide other social media avenues for topic discussions in the future. I hope you check back regularly to see what is happening and participate in the discussions. I don't know what to promise, but I have run out of excuses to use so here it is.

What about you? Are you done with your excuses????


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