Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union

Last night, the Trophy Husband sat at home to watch the State of the Union address by the President. There was not a lot of hope for a strong message from the speech because the wide array for topics that need to be covered within a very long speech. It doesn't matter what party the President is from, it is hard to pull off a State of the Union that actually has any substance much less excitement.

What shocked me the most was not that I was disappointed with the speech, but my greatest disappointment of the night was the dress the First Lady wore for the event. I have to say that I could not believe what she wore, someone should be fired for the dress. Even though the color was incredible on the First Lady (I believe it was sapphire blue), the dress did not "lay" well on her. I thought that it fitted her like a sack rather than a contour fitting outfit that she often wears.

I know of the rumors that said she was pregnant but those have been denied. Even if she was, the dress picked for her for the speech could have been better. Mrs. Obama is a very attractive and classy lady, I am disappointed that she did not have something a little more flattering for her.

That is just the Trophy Husband's opinion, what do you think? 


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